
STYLE GURU BIO: Alisa Curmaci

January 18th, 2017 at 2:10am

Hey guys! (I never know how to start these bios because I’m awkward). I’m Alisa, and this is my third semester with CollegeFashionista as a Style Guru! I’m a junior at Temple University, and my major is strategic communications. If you’ve been following my bios since the start, you’ll notice that I changed my major a lot. Four times to be exact. I’m getting my life together, okay? It’s a new year, and with that comes a new me. As cliche as that saying is, I’m ready to be a changed Alisa. Some of my New Year’s resolutions are as follows: watch the sunrise and sunset more often, read more books, focus on my writing and possibly start a blog, and live a spiritually fulfilling life. Aside from those resolutions, I’ve promised myself to add more color into my wardrobe. So far, I haven’t had any luck with that, as I love neutrals more than most things. But at least my other resolutions are going well!

Within the past two months, I accepted a job as a stylist’s assistant at Saks Fifth Avenue in Philadelphia. This job has opened my eyes to the endless world of Gucci, Libertine, Marc Jacobs, and most importantly, Chanel. Being around $5,000+ jackets and sweaters all day has changed my style immensely. Even though my thrift shopping habits didn’t change, what I look for awhile in Buffalo Exchange did. I try to mimic the cool style of Marc’s jackets while adding a touch of The Row’s relaxed looks to my outfits. But, that is for work and special occasions. Since I work full time, the time I do have off (for classes and life), I have been straying more towards the athleisure and distressed denim looks. I finally gave in and bought my first pair of Adidas and plan on living in them while making my way to class in the freezing cold tundra that we call North Philadelphia. I also find myself opting out of wearing nice clothes and slipping on my sorority letters far more often than I’d like to admit, even though I do wear work attire four days out of the week.

All in all, I have a cool support system and a cool closet and that’s enough for me right now. Living in Philadelphia have made my goals and aspirations that much more possible, and I am very excited for the next semester up ahead. Get ready for a wild ride of (faux) fur, velvet, accessorizing, and denim everything! Stay true, stay you.
