STYLE ADVICE: Ice to Inferno

January 26th, 2017 at 2:00am

Do you have trouble knowing what to wear to school for the cooler seasons in Florida? If you live in Florida, you know that we are known to have some weather prone to change, especially during the fall and winter season. One minute it will be 40 degrees, then in a couple of hours it will be 80 degrees. Here is some advice on how to dress when you don’t know what the weather will be like.

This Fashionista is a first year business student at Florida A&M University. This look she chose is something you can wear for when it’s a little chilly, but can be adapted when the weather gets blazing hot. She is wearing this chic denim dress that has quarter length sleeves. This covers your arm in the right place, just in case the weather goes from cold to hot or vice versa. She then paired the dress with black leather boots. In Florida you can get away with wearing leather boots in any season. That is why they are so perfect to wear during our so called “cold” season. In her denim dress she has white designs in the V-neck area. To bring out that color out she added white knee high socks to make the look come together.

To make the outfit pop she added a silver choker necklace. This attention piece gives that cute hipster vibe. This look is perfect to wear everyday for class. Have no fear. There is a way to survive this uncanny thing called Florida weather!

