
STYLE GURU BIO: Skylar Eisenhart

January 9th, 2017 at 2:10am

Hi everyone! My name is Skylar Eisenhart, and I am currently a freshman at the University of California Berkeley. I am hoping to major in media studies, where I will engage in issues relating to the mass media and the effects it has on society. Fashion is a constant factor that has always played a role in my life, and I can’t wait to grow this semester while participating in this internship.

I am a firm believer that we can tell so much about a person by what they wear. We are able to tell if they are sporty, hipster, edgy, and so much more just through articles of clothing and how people choose to style them. Fashion is a way for people to express themselves in ways words sometimes can’t. I try to stand out with my style and find unique trends that make me different from those around me. In my opinion, the amazing part about fashion is how frequently it changes. Our wallets might not be so grateful for this, but the phrase “out with the old and in with the new” could not be more relevant than in the fashion industry. There are always new fads and trends to adopt, and no two people’s style will be exactly the same.

For this look, I paired a faux fur vest from a quaint shop in Reno, Nevada, with a lace-up green romper from LF. I added fishnets to spice it up a little and simple black heeled booties from Urban Outfitters. Accessories are my best friend, as I wear multiple Alex and Ani bracelets and my favorite mantra bands.

I hope you enjoyed this winter look and maybe even try it out yourselves! I would love if you followed my social media, and make sure to reach out to me—I love meeting new people!
