
Three Super Convincing Reasons You Should Be Making Your Own Meals

October 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

Four weeks into the school year and for some reason, I still haven’t been able to find a routine. My life is crazy as I bounce from work to school to meetings and more, and I know that most of you can relate. For me at least, when I am running late and know I have a long day ahead of me, the last thing I think about is making sure that I pack a lunch. “I can just grab something cheap from the food court between classes,” I tell myself, not at all thinking of the health or financial implication that this action might have.

Lately I’ve realized that it’s time for this mindset to change. So while I am making this discovery, I figured I would take you all on the journey with me. Here are some of the reasons that packing your lunch is the way to go:

1—Saving money. For most of us college students, money is very important and hard to come by. When we are eating out all the time, that is money that could be going towards a killer outfit (or you know, rent).

itstrendychelsea(photo via @itstrendychelsea)

2—You know what ingredients are going into your food. As much as you want to believe that your burrito with brown rice and guacamole is healthy, the truth is you don’t know that unless you watched them make it and know every ingredient that was used. When you cook at home, you know exactly what is going into your meal, making it way easier to track what you eat.

chastity_diane(photo via @chastity_diane)

3—It’s a great way to use up leftovers from dinner. We’re all guilty of throwing away leftovers because we keep forgetting to eat them. If you pack your leftovers for lunch, you’ll never have to worry about this problem again. Plus cooking once for two meals means you now have some spare time to study (or catch-up on Netflix).

amandaasette(photo via @amandaasette)

So my fellow Fashionistas/os, try packing your lunch this week to do some good for your health and wallet!
