

September 26th, 2016 at 2:00am

Greetings fellow Fashionistas/os! I hope that you are enjoying the fall semester thus far and that your course loads haven’t yet begun to overflow. The late night study sessions in the library, trips for midnight pizza, getting dressed to go out for the night and early morning classes are back in full swing and I honestly could not be more thrilled to be back on campus. With internships, on-campus activities and an insane business core for a schedule I feel more inspired then ever to be looking for chic and well-styled students walking alongside the beautiful campus of Fordham.

On my way to class I spotted one outfit in particular that really struck my eye because it was well put together, comfortable and perfect for the occasion. This Fashionista, had a very busy day ahead of her and yet she wore an outfit that was distinguishably different then the incredibly preppy students around her and she remained both trendy and chic.

She paired a flowy denim tank top with a pair of olive green skinny jeans. She combined these two with a simple yet beautiful series of gold bracelets and a brown leather bulk bag to carry her books to and from class. Accessories such as bags, necklaces and bracelets are essential to dressing up this simple look because they add some sparkle to the outfit. Sam wore a pair of ballet flats which very nicely complimented her pants, kept her feet comfortable for the commute across campus and kept the outfit nice yet casual.
