
These Health Benefits are Avocontrol- Why It's Good That Avocados are Trending

September 15th, 2016 at 2:00am

By now, we have all seen just how big of a trend avocados are. You see them on everything from toast to salads to burrito bowls. (Hey guacamole, we know you’re extra). While we know that avocados are delicious, and have probably heard that they are a “superfood,” we might not be aware of all the health benefits they can provide.

Avocados contain over 20 nutrients including Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin E. They even have more potassium than a banana! While avocados have 160 calories, 15 grams of fat and 9 grams of carbs each, they are still considered a superfood due to all the fat being healthy fat and the carbs coming mostly from fiber.

If you haven’t jumped on the avocado bandwagon, now is the time do to it. Not only will you be able to gain all of the health benefits, you will also get some pretty good Instagram shots.

See how some of our avocawesome Stye Gurus are enjoying this superfood in their life.

eliza(photo via @elizagracehuber)

gabrielle(photo via @hellogabrielle)

megan(photo via @n_agem)

amelia(photo via @ameliachristineburns)
