
STYLE GURU BIO: Filip Asberg Montgomery

August 30th, 2016 at 2:00am

After a quick gig at a design firm in Sweden I decided to return to Brown to take a summer class in Neuroscience and the intro to Studio Art (because I hate free time, that’s why) which consequentially meant I spent the last few months of summer in a constantly dehydrated state due to the buckets of sweat I expelled on an hourly basis. My Scandinavian hyper-sensitivity to humidity and high temperatures combined with the lack of air conditioning in my apartment rendered me unable to stand too long in one spot or a puddle would form underneath my feet. This sweat-affliction also severely limits what I can wear during the summer (seriously, I’ve worn jeans twice since combing back to Brown). However, now that the temperatures are returning to more bearable levels, survival is no longer my first priority when I get dressed in the morning. Never mind that the semester, responsibilities, and deadlines are just around the corner because so are flannels, foliage and hot apple cider. It’s finally fall.

My name is Filip Åsberg Montgomery and I am returning to write for CollegeFashionista for a third time. I am a rising junior concentrating in Cognitive Science (but ask me again in a month and I may very well be studying Archaeology or Neuroscience). This semester I will be looking out for people whose outfits are stretching the limits of how much flannel really is considered tasteful (cue: there is none, rock your Christmas pyjama pants to your advisor meeting if you feel like it) and I WILL figure out a way to incorporate flannel into every single feature on my feed. In line with this mission my staple fall outfit consists of a simple plaid shirt combined with a washed-out denim jacket from Sandro. Unlike Scandinavia, Americans are not yet ready for the blue “denim-on-denim” combo just yet so I therefore chose a pair of Black jeans (that most certainly were not this skin-tight at the beginning of the summer…). Furthermore, I weaved in some leather details with the buckled, brown-leather belt from Dsquared2 and matching pair of high-top boots from UGG Australia. I crowned the outfit (pun intended) with a wool cap which I’ve falsely convinced myself provides “some heat” when in fact I just wear it because I am far too discouraged to do anything about my bed head in the morning.

Now you must excuse me while I’m off to clear Whole Foods of everything pumpkins spice, stay tuned for more flannel madness.
