Greetings fellow Fashionistas/os! My name is Nikki Zaino and I am so excited to be joining the CollegeFashionista team of Style Gurus for the summer semester. While during the summer months I reside in sweet ole New Hampshire, I am proud to represent my wonderful Connecticut school, Quinnipiac University.
When it comes to fashion, I don’t remember a time I wasn’t immensely intrigued. From glitzy get-ups in my years of competition dance, to finding my own style through watching the start ups of YouTube beauty gurus at thirteen years old, I’ve always had a high interest of fashion in my life. As a marketing major and an advertising intern now, I am aware that aesthetic is everything. The eyes are the first to judge whether the person loves or hates what they are seeing in the moment. That’s why I believe fashion is so important! Creating your own personal style to please your own aesthetic builds so much confidence, and not to mention how fun putting together outfits are!
I would consider my style to be clean and classic with a touch of grunge and edge. Black, white and a touch of color is my favorite scheme, however in the summertime I become more experimental and bright, fun colors will become more present in my wardrobe!
I am so ready to showcase my style to you all this summer and I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I do! In the meantime before my next post, eat lots of ice cream, absorb that vitamin D and stay stylin’.