It is time once again to shed our heavy winter coats and sweaters and trade them in for denim jackets, sundresses and tank tops. It is so strange to think that spring is coming already. Last week there was snow on the ground, but then just four short days ago, it was 79 and sunny! I think everyone on Villanova’s campus skipped class to hang out by the Oreo (the green) and soak up the sun. Fear not, the weather anomaly has ended and we are now back to 45 and rainy. Well, at least it was nice while it lasted.
It can be tricky to dress appropriately and fashionably when the weather decides to pull a Britney and have a full on meltdown but if you have a few of these versatile pieces, you’ll never go out of style (or get caught in 40 degree weather in a sundress). Personally, there is nothing I hate more than bright colors…especially in the winter. As spring is approaching, I cling to my dark shades and refuse to let them go.
While on I came across the Oak fall 2016 ready-to-wear collection and I was inspired. This collection is edgy, cool and fun. I chose to start my outfit with a basic pair of burgundy jeans. They have a zipper detail on the ankle and are super comfortable! To brighten up your outfit you can easily swap the jeans for a brighter, more seasonal color. Next, I went for the graphic tank top in my favorite color, black, but you could also do a white tank top or really anything that complements the pants.
The black denim jacket is a key piece in this ensemble. It is a billion times lighter than a winter coat but will still provide a little bit of warmth when you’re caught in a breeze. If it starts to get warm out, simply remove the jacket and rock the tank. It is also important to go for a sneaker style shoe as opposed to boots. The sneakers will give your feet opportunity to breathe in the warmer weather. I paired a black quilted bag with my black quilted sneakers and topped it off with a pair of sunglasses.