March 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

It is definitely at the peak of Winter in DeKalb, Illinois. That means snow covered cornfields, below zero temperatures and bundled up students and DeKalb residents. Although this is what most people think of wintertime DeKalb, I am almost positive that every Fashionista knows that wintertime doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t broadcast your fashionable side, it just means that you have a few extra layers to add to your daily attire. When I think of the winter season, I think of holidays, snow and cozy layers. What would winter be without flannels?

This Fashionista chose to stand out in the DeKalb streets with her oversized green and black flannel. Flannels have been trending for quite some time now. When I think of these warm staple pieces I think of a grunge or hipster look, but truth be told they can be added to any look to give it a little more flavor. The great thing about flannels is that you can always find them in different colors such as: red, blue and black. Whatever flannel color that may fit your style best, they are always a great staple piece to have in your closet no matter the season.

Some may not know of ways to pull off a flannel shirt. If that is the case, check out this Fashionista’s feminine, but grunge look. It requires a flannel of any color, black mesh dress, combat boots and gold jewelry to complete the look.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Wearing flannels help keep you warm and add personality to any kind of outfit.”
