February 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

As a fashion blogger, this IU junior has to keep up on the latest trends faster than the average college student. Slouchy sweaters and cozy cardigans will always remain staples in our closets, but how do we freshen things up? A simple answer that packs a punch: a slanted, asymmetrical piece.

A self-proclaimed “in-betweener” when it comes to fashion seasons, she does what any smart Fashionista would do during these confusing, slushy months—layers! This SheIn sweater is her go-to piece for winter. With the leather jacket layered over, the slit is not initially visible, but when entering a room it acts as a nice surprise to the completely grey-and-black ensemble. When shopping for new pieces, it can be easy to get caught up in the latest trends and fads. Her keen eye has allowed her to buy and utilize the basics to curate a wardrobe that is chic yet accessible, only taking a minute to piece together a stellar look with anything she pulls off the rack in the morning.

“My style has definitely changed. Everything has a very specific aesthetic. It’s really linear, really modern. It’s in one color palette,” she says of her continually evolving aesthetic.

Despite her regimented color palette, the Fashionista finds a sneaky way to incorporate some color into the mix. On top of her Leni Penn black crocodile tote, she clips on a a fun, fluffy red accent not only for a classic color pop, but for a little more personality. The ends of the red fur even match the rest of the black in her look. How’s that for subtle yet strong?

Citing other bloggers from all parts of the world as a large sources of inspiration, she has harnessed a sleek, minimal style that she will continue to refine and share with her followers and the future fashion landscape.

What’s your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Don’t be afraid to play around with layers and levels (asymmetries). They make your look visually interesting and the thickness of your layers can be changed based on the temperature and weather. Sweaters have been around forever, but people inspired by fashion are the ones that are able to make it look different or put a new spin on it!”
