
STYLE GURU BIO: Emily Mattice

January 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

Well hello there all you wonderful Fashionistas! I am super excited to be a Style Guru for this spring. My name is Emily Mattice, and I am a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. I am a Mass Communications major with a concentration in Strategic Advertising, and so far I love it. I’ve always had an interest in social media and advertising, so I aspire to put my interests to work. I hope to one day work in a big city for a Fortune 500 company or for a popular magazine, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

In my spare time, I enjoy running/working out, reading, writing, going on Pinterest, eating, sleeping (duh), being with my friends and watching insane amounts of the T.V. show The Office on Netflix. I love to explore (especially the many interesting places around VCU) and I am always down for a new adventure. I love to spend my days doing things I love, with the people that I love as well!

To be honest, my interest in fashion and the latest trends/looks didn’t really arise until this year. Since I go to school in Richmond, which is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, I am exposed to a lot of different urban and city styles. I see different outfits everyday, with unique touches and creative additions that I never would’ve thought of nor have seen anywhere else. I started taking interest in the newest trends since then, which is one of the major reasons that I applied to become a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.

Recently, I’ve realized that my style is slowly conforming to more of a “city feel” to fit the environment that I am in, and I find myself reaching for a pair of worn out converse instead of nice riding boots. I’ve always taken interest in simple fashion, such as a T-shirt dressripped jeans or a layered necklace, but I still try to find a way to make it look as RAD as possible. My favorite stores to shop for my go-to look are Forever 21, TOBI, American Eagle Outfitters, Urban Outfitters and even Target! I am a strong believer in comfort, so I tend to keep my outfits cute yet manageable.

As you can see in my Style Guru pictures, I embrace my idea of comfort with some patterned pants, my favorite Ray-Bans, a loosely fitted sweater and a designed bralette. I also topped off my look with a unique piece of jewelry: a key from Le Cle Jewelery. You can choose from a variety of dipped keys, solid keys and many more! They are an interesting touch to a dull outfit, with a different selection of colors to make your look pop.

I am so excited to be working for CollegeFashionista, and I hope that you enjoy my blog! Follow me on my journey to a stylish semester!
