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STYLE GURU BIO: Holden Powell

January 8th, 2016 at 2:10am

In the words of Foxy Shazam, “I always knew there was something special about that boy, And the way he stuck his hand out the window and flew it like an airplane.”

Hey everyone, whats up? My name’s Holden Powell and I’m currently an eighth semester undergrad here at the University of Connecticut and double majoring in journalism and communications. Despite having my hands full this semester, trying to juggle seven courses and three organizational executive board positions this semester, I’m so glad to be back once again joining the CollegeFashionista team at the start of 2016.

The warmth of autumn might be over, but that doesn’t mean winter can’t be a time to show off some style. As I’ve learned over time, the basics are an essential part to looking good and feeling good. This winter, you can catch me in more quilted fabrics with a refined aesthetic for patterns. More base, darker colors and a growing taste for luxe watches.

I’ve coined this year as the year of progression and metamorphosis for myself—not only fashion-wise but mentally and emotionally. Constantly changing for the better, ad learning more about my strength and weaknesses has helped me solidify my love for visual journalism and fashion photography.

Luckily, you’re all in for a special treat.

I’m pleased to announce that this semester I’ll be apart of a new section for CollegeFashionista, The Guys. Showing you, any and everything in the latest men’s fashion realm, join me as I explore fashion, grooming and health from the huskies—or should I say gentlemen, of UConn.

So gear up and be prepared for an awesome semester. And remember, keep calm and Stay RAD.

