Hi friends! My name is Maura Enderlein and I am a sophomore Business Marketing student with a Fashion Merchandising and Management minor at Philadelphia University. I have an endless amount of interests, but my favorites include fashion, art, the outdoors and food. Fashion, though, is the most important factor that shapes how I live my life. The art of fashion is a crucial part of our society because fashion is communication.
I am a firm believer that fashion is a form of art. I have carried this belief throughout my life in my art. In early high school I would sketch dresses and shoes in every notebook I owned. My obsessive sketching led me to my senior year AP concentration which was a series of 2D and 3D dresses. The hours upon hours I spent working on the details of these dresses truly emphasized the art in fashion. I take tremendous pride in my series of paintings for continuing my interest in fashion.
We Fashionistas understand the importance of what we wear and how that communicates who we are to the world. The most amazing part about fashion is that inspiration can be found in anything, nature, celebrities, books, movies, blogs….I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Street style on various social media sites has a huge impact in what I wear, including CollegeFashionista. My personal style ranges from sporty chic to boho. You may catch me rocking my black Nike sneakers and a printed T-shirt or a flowing hippie dress and booties. These looks are so different, but the cool part about fashion is deciding who I will be every morning when picking out what to wear. The street style at Philadelphia University is where I gain inspiration, and I am so excited to share this with other Fashionistas!