BEAUTY BAR: Grace In Your Heart And Seashells In Your Hair

October 1st, 2015 at 2:00am

Fall semester may be in full swing but, summer does not end until September 22nd and this Fashionista is definitely holding on to the last few days of summer.

Everything about this look screams boho-chic but the thing that really sticks out here is the beautiful seashell in her hair. This Fashionista did not hold back on making a statement when tying this seashell at the end of her seemingly normal braid. It’s functional (hair-ties are overrated) and it’s a subtle way to let the world know how much she loves the beach.

I’m not sure if she did this on purpose, but I love how the Fashionista’s outfit matches the seashell. The denim shorts and flowy white shirt are go-to beach attire, but she threw on a chambray shirt to begin transitioning the look into fall. The blue and white tones mimic the colors of the beach and make the seashell fit right in.

Living in Florida, this look is easily transitional into the fall considering we can go to the beach year round here. If you live anywhere else in the world, this braid and shell might be better for summer if you enjoy basing your looks off of the season.

What’s on the BEAUTY BAR: This hairstyle is unbelievably simple. All you need is a seashell with a hole in it, so you can tie it onto the braid. So, soak up the last few days of summer, hit the beach and find the perfect shell! Don’t have a beach near you? No worries, Amazon sells these nifty little seashell packs so you and all your friends can rock this look as well.
