

September 24th, 2015 at 2:10am

One observation that I’ve made over my past two years as a college student is that most people’s fashion senses have two modes: on and off. The person wearing baggy sweatpants and beat up sneakers to class may be best dressed at work or surprisingly stylish at your school’s next event. Unlike you Fashionistas and Fashionistos out there, some individuals are simply too lazy to exert the energy to look fabulous 24/7; however, what they don’t realize is that it doesn’t have to be hard, and it is always worth it.

One occasion that I see the most fashion faux pas is the gym. I’m not implying that you should lift in a button-down or take a run in heels, that’s certainly not practical, but put a little thought into what types of gym clothes you select. Just because you get sweaty doesn’t mean you can’t wear something that makes you both look and feel great. Take it from this Fashionisto and follow the advice of Nike, “Just Do It.”

This Fashionisto put a twist on the classic T-Shirt and gym shorts look with color and accessories. The gold writing on his shirt added an attention getting pop of color and contrasted the black background while white accessories completed his look. From his Beats By Dre headphones and Aesthetic Revolution snapback to his bold Alphalete Athletics T-shirt and Nike Flyknit sneakers, this Fashionsito didn’t sport anything out of the ordinary for his workout, he simply put some thought into how he pieced everything together.

Benjamin Franklin once stated that, “by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail,” so approach your look for the gym the same way approach your workouts and blow everyone else away.

One Simple Change: Too busy to go back to your room before you hit the gym? Not looking to lug a change of clothes around with you all day? This look would be appropriate for classes as it is, but can be made even more so with the practice of layering. Throw a pair of tapered sweatpants over your shorts and you’re ready to ease your way through that busy schedule and maybe even your warm up.


  • Sharilynn Brown

    My name is Sharilynn and I am Senior at Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI where I am pursuing a major in Public Relations and double minor in Marketing and Psychology. Bristol is a really adorable waterfront town, and a lot of that is showcased in local fashion. In addition to fashion, writing and photography I am an avid weightlifter. Read my articles to learn a little more about me and together we'll have a #RAD semester <3