Hello friends! I’m Jessica Ciesielski and a sophomore at the phenomenal school that is Loyola University Chicago. I’m still pursuing my Marketing degree with the hopes of going somewhere into the fashion or cosmetics industry. As a returning Style Guru, I have accepted the mission to report the hottest happenings in regards to on-campus fashion. This is my fourth semester coming back, so you could say I’m a huge CollegeFashionista fan. The people I’ve met through CollegeFashionista have inspired and greatly influenced my fashion choices and I’m looking forward to meeting some intriguing people this year to help spark my fall outfit inspo.
My personal style is evolving everyday and I’ve never had a certain look I continuously go back to on the daily. Sometimes I’ll feel a little more preppy whereas other days I’ll feel sporty spice or the effortless chic look. Style is about being able to express yourself regardless of what mood you’re feeling, so you have tons of options to play with.
Jackets and jewelry are some of my favorite styling pieces and I love them even more when they’re layered. This fall semester I’m going to keep my eyes peeled for some Fashionistas/os that are venturing out past the typical “fall day look” and going above and beyond. I hope to see some funky overalls and cozy sweaters as well as some vintage boots and accessories.
I’m so honored to have the opportunity to come back for a fourth semester and to have had the privilege of working with such great people through this organization. I look forward to see what this semester has in store for me and I can’t wait to tell the story of many fashionable people’s looks.