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7 Ways to Make the Most of Winter Break

December 20th, 2016 at 2:00am

Everyone take a moment to give yourself a round of applause… you made it through another semester! This week means packing up the car and driving home for the beloved winter break. This month-long recess is the perfect opportunity to indulge in some fun and relaxing activities. However, it seems like year after year winter break is over in a flash. It often leaves you feeling as though you could have fit just a few more festive activities in.

If you want to make the most of your break this year check out the seven ideas below. See how many you can check of the list this winter!

1. Take a quick day trip to your favorite hiking spot. Breathing in the crisp winter air is exactly what you need to refresh yourself after a stressful semester.week17-1(Photo via @hellogabrielle)

2. Bake a batch, or three, of your favorite cookies, and test your skills with a piping bag. It has to be as easy as the videos on Instagram make it seem right?week17-2(Photo via @valeriecammack)

3. Get together with hometown friends is always a must over break. There is nothing like catching up and reminiscing over a cup of coffee.week17-3 (Photo via @sarahgargano29)

4. Try out that new coffee shop that opened while you were away and try a fun holiday drink while you’re there.week17-4 (Photo via @indiesunsblog)

5. Who doesn’t like dressing up for New Years Eve? Grab a friend and scour your local malls, boutiques and vintage stores for the perfect outfit. week17-5 (Photo via @sarahdewald)

6. Treat yourself to brunch at your favorite local spot. Your stomach will thank you and so will your Instagram feed.week17-6 (Photo via @couturecrushrei)

7. Take a drive around town to gaze at all of the twinkling holiday lights and decorations.week17-7 (Photo via @kendallfireeee)

Hopefully some of these ideas sparked your interest for this winter break, but no matter what make sure you give yourself the chance to relax and recharge before starting the next semester!
