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6 Tips To Get Time On Your Side This Semester

January 12th, 2017 at 2:00am

The popular social media adage is true: Beyoncé has the same hours in the day as you do. From creative directing her own visual albums to twinning with her daughter Blue Ivy to generally crushing all aspects of life, Queen B is a busy woman. It makes you wonder if she actually does have more hours in the day than the rest of us…

While she has many super powers, creating a gap in the space-time continuum isn’t one of them. But we have cracked the case and has figured out Beyoncé’s key to success: time management.

By investing all 24 hours in the day towards pursuing your dreams, you can begin to spend your time doing more meaningful and purposeful tasks.

Who runs your day? You! So let’s join together and make a pact to promote productivity by using time to chase our dreams.

To give us a little help here are six tips to help you boost your time management skills:

1— Stop Saying “Later.” I have a terrible habit of saying “I’ll do that later.” Before you know it “later” turns into last minute rushing. Instead of saying “later,” say “I’ll do that now” and then actually go do it. The more you say “now” to your tasks, the more free time you have to do what you actually want to do. (Photo via @d.alexandra_)

2— Planning Means Results Using a planner can seem like just another chore to add to your list but it’s the easiest way take the pressure off all the things you have to get done. You are no longer burdened with having to remember everything or forgetting something because all of your tasks are written in sparkly metallic pen right in front of you. My tip is to take 30 minutes at the start of the week to plan out the rest your week. This gives you a glimpse at what you have to tackle so that it can be managed in smaller chunks instead of all at once. (Photo via @beautifuldetour)

3— Cut Out Distractions. When working on completing a task, devote your entire focus to it. When you stop while writing your essay to send a text or check through Instagram, it makes the task take longer because your focus is split. Distractions are also an easy way to loose track of time. Try muting your phone or even turning off your phone while working. (Photo via @chastity_diane)


4—Sleep is A  Major Key I suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out), which makes it hard for me to go to sleep. I worry I’ll miss something; whether it be a text, shooting star, laugh, etc. But the truth is I can’t be a part of everything and neither can you. What’s more important is that you get proper sleep so that you can be present in what you do get to experience. You can’t actively manage your time while exhausted. Force yourself to catch the recommended seven hours of sleep needed to be well-rested and alert so that you can seize the day with positive and productive energy. (Photo via @oteris)

5—N-O Spells “No.” A huge part of managing your time involves knowing when to say “no.” Although going to every single party downtown, gallery show or concert might sound appealing, it can be tiring. Saying “yes” to everything can become overwhelming so strive to only say “yes” to things that are a priority and important to you. (Photo via @itsmarisa_kay)

6—Take A Break. All work and no play is surely not the way to live. Always build in a little time for fun into your schedule. Whether it’s spending a few hours with your girls or quiet time with your favorite book, planning a little relaxation time will give you the extra boost of energy to complete the rest of your day’s goals with gusto! (Photo via @jaidabrinkley_)
