5 Tips to Finding Your Daily Workout Routine

July 21st, 2017 at 2:00am

I do believe that individually we are strong, we are powerful, and when you add in your girl gang, nothing can stop you. Working out is hard to do; keeping a routine and staying motivated is even harder. So, remember you are not alone. More importantly, here are my five tips to keeping up with a routine that works for you. So get ready, grab your sports bra, a tank, some yoga pants, and just do you!

Find your crew

Surround yourself with people who motivate you and share similar goals. Sweating in a mass group keeps up the energy. When you’re enjoying it, you’re more likely to want to do it again.

Say what you want

Let your friends know your goals. Yes, saying it out loud is hard—it becomes real—but what better way to hold yourself accountable than when your friends know your goals and would do anything to help you achieve them? Don’t forget they have goals too and you are in it together.


Find what you love! Don’t do the same thing every day if you don’t love it. There are so many unique studios, you will find one that speaks to you. My favorite studios include SoulCylce, Pure Barre, Shadow Box, 305 Fitness, and Just Be Yoga. I always leave feeling so good—more so from the environment than the actual workout. Yes, these studios make me sweat, and yell at me to go harder, but it never gets old being empowered to love yourself and love your body. Being reminded that it’s going to be okay is important too. It is a journey and I am in the practice of loving the entire process.

Treat yourself

I am not saying go eat a pound of cake or eat cookie dough out of a jar while sitting on the counter sulking in the semi sweet chocolate chips. (I mean obviously this is going to happen once in a while, but still.) Find a smoothie, a juice, or a peanut butter acaí bowl instead. Then, sit down and feel good about what you just accomplished because it’s hard to do.

Kill the negativity

Allotting just one hour is all I need to be with my best girls, sweating out all of the negative vibes in my life and focusing on just me. Find that hour and do it for you. You are not alone; there are at least twenty other people in that dark studio thankful for your positive energy.

Find your groove and what makes you want to move. Enjoy the process. Comment below and let me know what motivates you. 
