
5 Lob Styles You Have To Try This Winter

December 2nd, 2016 at 2:00am

We know the first thing you think as the cold temperatures set in is not “Gee, this seems like the perfect weather to chop off all my hair.” But when has weather every stopped a Fashionista in the past? (I’m looking at you, cropped denim.)

Sure, long locks may provide an ounce more warmth against the impending winter weather, but a lob can warm your heart. Plus isn’t that what scarves are for?

Don’t let the chill of the season ice out your plans for getting an enviable lob. Check out these five shorter and seasonally appropriate lob styles that will have you booking a haircut stat!

1—Long layers (Photo via @baileychupein)


2—Blown out lob (Photo via @tabihoshmand)


3—Exaggerated side part (Photo via @corrimsmith)


4—Warm pastels (Photo via @kaycaden)


5—Naturally wavy (Photo via @withlovethelms)

