
3 Back-to-School Hacks That Will Keep You Healthy and Energized

September 18th, 2017 at 2:05am

It’s that time of the year again—back to school has begun! With the start of the semester comes new classes and new routines. Getting back into the swing of things can be tough, but these three hacks will make getting back to school a breeze. These back to school hacks are all about keeping you healthy and energized, all while saving you money. What more could you ask for?

PHOTO: Amber Sudra

1—Cold brew on-the-go 

Caffeine is necessary for college, specifically coffee. If you are in college and don’t drink coffee, what are you doing? Seriously, get on board! Brewing coffee and trying to get out the door before 8 a.m. can be tough, and normally results in a stop by Starbucks on the way to class. However, if you plan ahead, you will avoid spending $3 a day at your local Starbucks and save money by prepping your coffee at home. Simply brew a full pot of coffee and let it sit out until it is room temperature. Pour the coffee into a pitcher and place into the fridge. Once chilled, this coffee is now cold brew that you can enjoy whenever you need your coffee fix. I love pouring this in a to-go cup when I’m racing out the door and need a pick-me-up.


PHOTO: Kelly Rogowski

2—Free workout classes

When life gets busy, it’s often hard to always get that workout in. However, working out gives us energy and boosts our overall mood, so it is essential to squeeze in while at school. Getting in a workout rut is easy to do if you do the same thing every day. Trying different types of workout classes is a great way to mix it up and try new things. Plus, you can bring all your friends with you and make it an outing. Almost all workout class studios offer a free week trial or at least a free class. Take advantage of this and try out all the studios’ free options. You are guaranteed to not get bored if you have a variety to try out. Some of my favorites are yoga sculpt, kickboxing, and pure barre.

PHOTO: Rachel Zuckerberg


3—Backpack snacks

I know what you’re thinking. Backpack snacks? But trust me, this is a lifesaver! With a full day of classes, it’s tough to find time to run home for a snack or sit down for a meal in the middle of a busy day. Just taking a few minutes in the morning to throw a few snacks in your bag will save you from making a vending machine purchase when you’re hangry. You will save money and have healthier options if you have something packed. Some of my favorite snacks to pack are mixed nuts, RX Bars, and carrots with hummus.


Which hacks are you trying this semester? Comment below with your tips!
